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Five pillars of Holistic Health

Holistic health takes an ancient approach to health, wherein the whole person and its interaction with the environment are taken into consideration, rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body. The approach of holistic health lies on five main pillars of health:

physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. Moreover, there is a chance that if one of the aspects is affected then the other might be affected too.


When thinking about health, people think mostly of physical health because it is the body that often portrays physical symptoms. Few practices to maintain physical health:

  • Having 8 hours of sleep each day to rest and repair one’s body

  • Nutrient-dense diet, especially high in plant-based foods

  • Have a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity every day. For example, you can do any form of exercise, yoga, or sports.

  • Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.


Emotional health is often neglected or overlooked. However, emotional health is as important

as physical health. Additionally, one’s emotional health can influence physical health.

Ways to support mental health:

Seek therapy when needed, as it is essential for emotional and mental health.

  • Practice mindfulness to better manage and cope with daily stressors that affect your emotional health.

  • Maintain a journal to record thoughts, feelings, and moods. This can help to regulate your emotions on daily basis.


Humans are social beings and hence we thrive on regular connections with others. Ways that you can support your social health:

  • Make time for safe in-person connections.

  • Get involved in an online support group. Connecting with someone who can understand your griefs and triumphs can be a great support system and can make you feel lighter.

  • Have a game night with your friends. During the pandemic, hosting or participating in a game night virtually can make the mood, light, fun, and positive.

  • Set boundaries with people in your life who may increase stress or bring about toxic energy.


Mental health often overlaps with both our emotional and physical health. The difference is that emotional health refers mostly to daily mood and emotions, and mental health refers to cognitive abilities that affect how the brain functions. Ways that you can support your mental health:

  • Keep the mind active by seeking out learning opportunities and problem-solving practices that challenge your brain.

  • Eat nutrient-dense foods that are high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. This helps to reduce overall inflammation and support cognitive function.

  • Improve your gut health in order to maintain good mental health.


Although there are overlapping principles and practices within spiritualism and religion, spiritual wellness does not necessarily mean that you need to be religious. Spiritual health should focus on connecting with one’s inner soul and the greater world around. Ways you can support your spiritual health:

  • Spend time in nature.

  • Spend a few minutes each day meditating.

  • If you are religious, take the time to practice your faith.


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