Our organization comprehensively addresses the unique requirements of our communities by providing tailored programs designed to precisely meet the individualized needs of our clients. Our offerings encompass preventive healthcare services founded on a six-pillar wellness model, prioritizing health education, physical well-being, nutritional support, mental health, self-care, and facilitated access to healthcare services.
Health Education
This pillar is dedicated to fostering health literacy through the provision of resources, health navigation assistance, community advocacy, organized health events, educational workshops, health coaching, and comprehensive support services.​
Physical Health
This pillar is centered on the elements of physical health and fitness within the framework of preventative healthcare. The program is designed to provide health tools, advocate for annual health screenings, offer diverse fitness programs and classes, provide personalized training, facilitate access to local gyms, and negotiate discounts with practitioners in physical medicine, including but not limited to primary care providers, naturopathic services, physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and other relevant professionals.
This pillar is dedicated to addressing the nutritional dimension of health. The program offers an array of resources, including educational materials, healthy cooking classes, customized meal plans, digital food journals equipped with a built-in calorie counter, and discounted consultations with accredited nutritionists and dietitians.
Mental Health
This pillar offers cost-effective mental health services, encompassing life coaching workshops, online support groups, and discounted consultations with mental health professionals.
Emphasizing self-care as a pivotal healthy behavior, we actively promote its adoption among all members. Our self-care program is dedicated to fostering healthy hygiene initiatives and providing image development services with the overarching goal of enhancing self-esteem within a supportive and secure environment.
Access To Care
Access to affordable, high-quality healthcare services is frequently constrained in underserved communities. In our commitment to bridge this gap, we endeavor to reestablish the provider network's connection with the communities we serve by offering a substantial 25-75% discount on services. These services encompass specialized areas such as dental, vision, and telehealth, as well as extend to home healthcare, transportation to medical appointments, and additional offerings. Through cost-effective access, our objective is to promote the adoption of annual screenings, facilitate the reconnection of members with local healthcare providers, and ultimately enhance overall health outcomes.